Permaculture Design Course has started at Tacomepai, Northern Thailand where I live at the moment. We are all experiencing a magnifisent excitement to dive deep into the wisdom of nature. 18 students from 10 different countries, all blend in, for an excitement of learning and sharing together, creating a harmonius energy at the farm. 今、滞在しているタコメパイで、パーマカルチャー・デザイン・コースが始まりました。10カ国から18人が集まり、自然を観察し、自然界の智慧とシステムから学び、人間のかかわりについて考え、実践する2週間の短期集中コース。エキサイティング!
Our wonderful guide, facilitator, and teacher Martijn from Holland First class, starts from meditation....
ファシリテーター/先生のマータインはオランダ人。 最初のクラスは、メディテーションから始まりました。
The site is a big organic farm, mainly rice field and food forest, with 13 local bungalows used for guesthouses, sauna, communal kitchen, classroom, and many more functions - an outstanding beautiful community in the wilderness. Here, so many life elements and systems have recovered with the work of Sandot and many visiting volunteers.
Our native Thai teacher, Sandot "I take you on a tour of my Tacomepai farm!"
オーナーでタイ人のサンドット 「まずはタコメパイのツアーに出かけよう!」
"This tree can be used for brooms" "All the bungalows are made by applying local materials and techniques"
"Ramp pump, using no electricity"
"Put EM juice in the toilet, and the poo will breakdown"
"Natural worm compost catching water below the sink. Very low maintenance."
"Good herb for all woman"
Learning about plants: Nitrogen fixer, Legume family.
Here, it is a site to observe how nature works, and to think how we can interact with it, and to celebrate that we can actually be part of the system and boost up the life system - together with the connections we are making around the classroom.
So... Permaculture Ethics. 1. Care for People 2. Care for the Earth 3. Fair Share Permaculture happens when all of the three meet. Helpful way to start thinking about Permaculture is to think about systems. We live in a system that everything is connected, but we tend to forget that.
So we did an exercise to learn about systems and web of connection, web of life. "CREATE SYSTEMS SO THAT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED"
Another exercise was to recognize patterns in nature & man made setting. What are the examples and functions of it? Observe, and keep quiet for 15 minutes, and you get to see patterns.
Katia from Berlin, and Yi Ling from Malaysia presenting their findings.
Tacomepai Designing Practice : Apply the Permaculture design principles, and what we have learned so far such as sector (elements & energies from outside that flow into the system such as sun, wind, noise, floods), microclimate, function, systems, and elements - put all the knowledge into designing the actual site. In other words, do the job as a Landscape Architect or a Permaculture Designer!
パーマカルチャーとは、Permanent(永続的な)+ Agriculture(農業/農を基本にした文化)を合せた造語。簡単に言えば、人をいたわり、自然をいたわり、その間にフェアなシェアを見つけ出し、暮らしの中で実践すること。パーマカルチャーを理解するためには、すべての命はつながり合い、一つの大きなシステムとして関連し合っていることを受け止める。その上で太陽の光、風、水、高低差、土壌の状態など、自然をじっくり観察し、地元の人に聞き取り調査をし、さらに自然が成長していくためにはどんなシステムが必要かを考え、何か阻止しているファクターがあればそれを取り除き、最終的に人間が住むために必要な機能(食べる、寝る、集うなど)をどう自然のシステムと共存するように盛り込んで行くかを編み出して実践していく、という複合的で理にかなった作業。
Presentation by Shen from Malaysia and Net from Thailand.
Christian from Germany and Nara from Chile.
Understanding Food Forest : All of these are Tacomepai's production Sandot gets from his farm after 20 years of restoring the power of nature. Jamaican Cherry, bamboo mushrooms, guava, egg plant, rice, star fruit.... we can get so much with such low maintenance if we work together with nature.
Sesami! ごま!始めて見たー。
Amazing locally sourced vegan healthy food by Bank from Sangob farm, Bas, and Off.
All life grows within the systems designed by sets of Permaculture principals. Trees, Plants, Animals, Insects, and us, human species. So, what we really should be changing is the "human centered" way. It is sometimes very hard to change the thinking habits, but just put ourselves in relationship with nature. Do we have a healthy relationship? To begin with, what do we know about nature? Basically we are so disconnected with nature - the only way to survive is to find out how nature works, learn about it, and work together with it.
So many knowledge, so many inspiration, so many reflection....lots of hard work to shift our minds and actions, so sometimes swimming in the natural pond is nice!
頭がいっぱいになったら、ため池にジャンプ! ほかにもヨガをやったり、瞑想をしたり、、、
ここでは、Vibe とか Energyという言葉をよく使う。You have a great vibe. Good energy in the room とか。いい感じだね、いい気に満ちてるねという感じ。一方、一般的に多くの人たちが気になるお金については、あまり話題にならない、というか慎重に扱う。人生のなかでの比重を下げて、なくても良かったり、自分たちで回すような小さなシステム作りを始めている人ばかり。今まで自分がいた快適な環境から勇気を持って朗らかに飛び出した人たちが、ありあまる豊かな自然の中で集い、学び合い、見えないけれど大切なあらゆるものに気をくばりながら、生活しています。
Our youngest student, Maya, 11 years old from the US. This is THE FUTURE SCHOOL!
What we're experiencing is truly a tribal native lifestyle in the communities all over the world. It is so reassuring that we are not alone, instead we are a big caring family growing all over the world. Flower of life - SACRED GEOMETRY -