最後に、シェンが授業でやってくれた"FOOD MEDITATION (食の瞑想)"が素晴らしかったので、ここに載せます。一人でもイベントでも、どこでも誰とでも出来る瞑想なので、機会があればやってみて下さい。食べ物と自分を深く見つめ直す、とてもいいワークです。
Find a place and sit on the position that you find yourself most comfortable, If you want, you can close your eyes, and slowly take a deep breath.
Think of your favorite food the food that you like
How does it look like in your eyes? are they colorful? Different kinds of shape? How does it smell like in your nose? How about their taste on your taste buds? Are they salty, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, or the combination of these tastes?
How did you enjoy it? Did you eat it with a smile? Did you feel grateful for your food? How did you eat it? Did you eat just because you are hungry? Did you eat by listening to your stomach, or by listening to your heart?
Did you eat consciously, or just to fill in your stomach or just to fulfill 3 times of meal every day?
Eat for life, or live to eat?
Think of your favorite food again. What do they mean to you? Are they just food? What do they give you? Warmth, nutrients, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, protein, happiness, health, energy, life.... Do we know the food that we are eating?
No matter they are from animal origin, or plant origin, Do you ever think where do your food come from? And how they come? Do you eat them consciously? From the food in your plate, the waiter or your family or your friend who served you, the chef who cooked for you, the driver who transported your food, either from farm or from market, the people in factory who processed your food…. and many people who involved in your food, have you ever think of them? Think, the farmer who harvested your food, the farmer who nurtured your food, who watered your food, who take care of your food, who planted your food from seeds, have you ever feel grateful to them, every single action and movement, which allows you to enjoy your food.
And also, the sun who gives light, the water who gives moist, the soil who gives nutrient and supports, the wind, the animals and many, many of them, who helps to create your food, have you ever think of them, when you are enjoying your food?
Be thankful to every single particle of food because they are what nurtured our body and mind, since you are a single cell, grow to be a fetus in mother stomach, grow to be a child, a kids, a teenager…. until now how much food have you ate, How much food which nurtured you? Be grateful to them.
They are what you are today. You are what you eat.